неділя, 19 березня 2017 р.

Weather and weekend (phonetics)

Complete this self-study by April, 27.

Dialogue to practice reading according to the stress-and-tone marks.
1. Watch this video to learn about the phoneme /ə/.

2. Linking in English.

3. Find out when intrusive /r/ is used.

4. What allophones does /l/ have? Find out.

5. When is /h/ not phonounced?

Listen to these interesting short stories and practice your reading skills.

Watch this funny video and learn to pronounce -ough.

Don't forget about the rhythm.

Listen to these poems, choose one and learn it by heart imitating the speaker's intonation.
Summer Sun by R.L.Stevenson or here and the poem.
The Wind by R.L.Stevenson or another link to mp3 and the text.
Daffodils  by  W.Wordsworth.

The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version. (NEC p. 124)
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow. (NEC p. 124)

The competition in phonetics will take place on March, 27 at 13.30 p.m. in room 254. Don't miss it!

вівторок, 14 березня 2017 р.

Weather / Free Time


Here is a new portion of materials on weather for you.
You will find materials on free time activities in this folder.

This is a video about the weather with the tasks and some additional online tasks on the topic.

Session 1 

Study a dictionary entry on the word weather.

You can learn more about natural disasters from this animated guide. Try it!

You can start learning the words on the weather by watching the video below.

Listen to the poems about the weather and try to imitate them.
The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version.
The Months by S. Coleridge.
Rain in Summer by H.W.Longfellow.
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow.

Watch these four videos about indoor sports and the weather and do tasks online to check your understanding.
You cann also check how much you know about natural disasters by doing this quiz from National Geographic.
This pragramme will tell you about tourism in Antarctica.

Crossword on the weather.

Free time

You will find materials on free time activities in this folder.
You can read the text about music in the UK online
Watch this video to find out about classical books and writers in Great Britain (Literature is Great P1). Literature is Great P2 is about contemporary British writers.
Creativity is Great Part 1.
Look up (video) and the poem.

Crossword on culture.

For the film review you can choose between two films:
August Rush (2007)
Renaissance Man (1994)

Sport is Great (2 parts)
Extreme Sports.

Writing tips and exercises