вівторок, 18 грудня 2018 р.

1st year Food

Reading tasks can be reached here.

Watch Alfred Hitchcock's film Lamb to the Slaughter.

These online tasks will help you learn the words for food.
  1. food
  2. fruit
  3. vegetables
  4. vegetables 2
  5. meat and fish
  6. drinks
  7. meals and cooking
  8. restaurants
Practice reading transcription and learn the words.
1. fruit

Online exercises to practice some aspects of pronunciation:
  1. -ed ending 
  2. -(e)s ending
  3. letter 'g'
  4. letter 'o' and one more test
  5. letter 'a'
  6. 'th'
Credit questions!

Watch these videos to learn more about Christmas traditions.

середа, 28 листопада 2018 р.

2nd year Sport

 Materials in phonetics are here.
Credit questions (1st semester).

Academic writing.

Materials for practical English on sports and reading.

Listening about benefits of sport.

Self-study (deadline December 10).

Learn more about Olympic Games with this lesson.

A video about Usain Bolt

Here is a sports interview about two extreme sports.

середа, 21 листопада 2018 р.

1st year Home

Self-study in Phonetics 2.

Credit questions in phonetics (1st semester).

Intonation of politeness.

Practice transcribing and spelling the words on different topics online.
  1. house
  2. bathroom
  3. -ed ending 
  4. -(e)s ending
  5. letter 'g'
  6. letter 'o' and one more test
  7. letter 'a'
  8. 'th'
Elementary vocabulary related to the topic (interactive exercises with pictures and pronunciation)
1. home
3. bedroom
4. kitchen 1 and 2

Tasks for reading.

Materials for Academic Writing.
Video materials about paragraphs

Descriptive paragraph

неділя, 7 жовтня 2018 р.

2nd year Health and Medicine

This folder contains copies for practical classes.

You will find necessary materials for phonetics classes here.
Self-study in phonetics.

A video lesson on how stress affects your body.
Another TED lesson on AIDS/HIV.
A disease from the past (video with tasks)

Videos about great discoveries:
Marie Curie's discovery
Conquering smallpox 

Listening - A Doctor's View

Academic writing: download lessons here.

Watch this to learn a little bit about the NHS
CPR in films

Learn about bad habits and addictions from TED-lessons:

1st year Personality

You will be able to find materials you need for the academic writing classes here.

Tasks for reading are in this folder.

Download a copy about a diphthong here.

NEC (book and audio).

Self-study 1

Tongue twister
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Note-taking method

Time Management - TED talk (extra)


Subject-Verb Agreement

субота, 29 вересня 2018 р.

Infographics competition

You can find infographics from different groups following the link. Vote for the best ones liking them or leaving comments. The winners will be announced on October, 8.

пʼятниця, 31 серпня 2018 р.

2nd year students - Choosing a Career

I hope you've enjoyed your summer holiday and will come refreshed and eager to work and learn something new. This is a short post to remind you to bring your summer reading books (either paper or e-books) and vocabularies with you on Monday.
I will be adding necessary materials over the month. But you can already download a short e-version of the 1st topic from the textbook if you wish. You should also get a printed book from the library. I hope you can bring e-books from the 1st year - they will be useful.
I will post all the materials on the topic in this folder.
See you soon!

Parts 1 and 2 of the short story The Verger by W.S. Maugham.

You can also listen to the original short story recording.

Who gets the best jobs?

Watch the video and make a list of 5 good and bad things about living and working abroad. Complete the list with your own ideas.

Watch this short video about paramedics and do the tasks.
Videos on job interviews : 1 and 2

Additional videos
A great Ted talk about which jobs we could lose to machines (highly recommended)!

What is employability?

Materials in phonetics will be posted in this folder. You are  going to need these books: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Academic writing can be found here.

понеділок, 20 серпня 2018 р.

Introduction 1st year students

Вітаю зі вступом!
На вашу першу пару ви маєте принести з собою зошит у КЛІТИНКУ (24 аркуші і більше), ручку, олівець, лінійку, гумку та ДЗЕРКАЛЬЦЕ!
На цьому блозі будуть розміщуватись матеріали, які знадобляться в процесі навчання. Прошу завантажити їх заздалегідь.
Починаємо з матеріалів для роботи над вимовою.
Перш за все, це книжки та аудіо до них.
Також ми з вами будемо користуватися цією методичкою.
Інші підручники з фонетики ви можете завантажити тут.
Зверніть увагу на табличку фонетичних символів справа.
Крім того, пропоную кілька посилань на гарні електронні словники, якими я закликаю активно користуватися:

Відео для самостійного відпрацювання звуків ви знайдете тут: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/.
Відео про schwa.
Аудіозапис тексту зі scwa.

Наполегливо раджу приєднатися до безкоштовного онлайн курсу англійською мовою про підготовку до університету за посиланням ! Цей курс не вимагатиме від вас багато часу, ви можете до нього звертатися у зручний для вас час, але він допоможе вам зрозуміти основні відмінності між навчанням у школі та в університеті та сформувати власні ефективні стратегії навчання з самого початку!!!

Розклад занять ви можете дізнатися за посиланням - предмети та аудиторії даються окремими документами з правого боку сторінки (аудиторний фонд +розклад занять).

Академічне письмо.
Запис (діалог Unit 1)
Diphthong (copy)
Cамостійна робота 1 (до 27. 09)
Самостійна робота 2 (до 2.10)
Запитання до заліку!
Посилання на опитування про курс.

До зустрічі!

субота, 2 червня 2018 р.


Here is a link to the story we've read during the last class.
Coming back up.
I advise you to listen to the recording of the story and imitate its reading.
You will find a variety of stories on the same website. You can practise you reading, translation and retelling with their help.
And don't forget to revise your active vocabulary and demonstrate your knowledge in the exam.
Good luck!

понеділок, 23 квітня 2018 р.

середа, 18 квітня 2018 р.

City / shopping

Here are the materials related to the topics transport and cities.

These exercises can help you learn

Short useful videos 

A folder with the materials on shopping.

Video Shopping is Great (part 1) with tasks and part 2.

Materials on academic writing

Please, complete this survey concerning your impressions of the course in academic writing.

неділя, 25 березня 2018 р.

Weather/weekend (materials in phonetics)

Listen to these poems, choose one and learn it by heart imitating the speaker's intonation:

Summer Sun by R.L.Stevenson or here and the poem.
The Wind by R.L.Stevenson or another link to mp3 and the text.
Daffodils  by  W.Wordsworth.

The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version. (NEC p. 124)
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow. (NEC p. 124)

retrieved from:


пʼятниця, 16 березня 2018 р.

Weather /weekend

                                                                                Materials on the topic WEATHER are here

Watch this video about British weather and do online tasks.

Do these online exercises to find out more about weather forecasts: activities 1 - 3 http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/lower-intermediate/unit-16/session-1

The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version.
The Months by S. Coleridge.
Rain in Summer by H.W.Longfellow.
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow.

Materials on the topic FREE TIME are here.
Videos Literature is Great (parts 1 and 2).
Video Creativity is Great (part 1).
Video Sport is Great (both parts).
Video about Extreme Sports.

Academic Writing Videos
Comparison and Contrast Essays

Six websites that help with your writing: http://www.cristinacabal.com/?p=6434

Cause and Effect Essays

середа, 7 лютого 2018 р.

Learning (phonetics)

Here are the books you'll need for the classes.
Make sure you have all of them: 1, 2, 34, ,67. 

A nice quiet afternoon  (track 038).
Letters to the editor (track 043).
Peter Parker (track 051).

You can download some texts with the marks here.

Self-study (deadline 27.03)

вівторок, 30 січня 2018 р.

Live and Learn

The 2nd semester starts on February 1.

I hope you remember about your task for the holidays: read and listen to the book Thanks for the Memories, summarise every chapter in up to five sentences (in writing) and write out one page of new words from each chapter into your vocabularies. We'll discuss the book on our first class.

We'll start the semester with the topic EDUCATION. You can already download some materials.
Below you can find some videos on the topic.


These four short clips deal with problem pupils
Lifelong learning

Oxford University (videos with online tasks)

Learning foreign languages

A video on bilingualism (with tasks)
TED talk Every kid needs a champion

Videos on essay writing:

Opinion essays