четвер, 29 грудня 2016 р.

Winter holidays

Have some rest during your winter holidays but don't forget to practice your English.
You could make your studies fun though.
  1. Read a book by Cecelia Ahern Thanks for the Memories and make sure you listen to the audiobook at the same time. Write out at least one page of new words from each chapter into your vocabularies.
  2. Start watching a series of programmes by Michael Geisen How to Become a Superstar Student and take notes because that's what we're going to discuss at the beginning of the 2nd semester. You'll need the programmes 1-12. 
  3. Do one of many free online courses in English. Choose the subject you're interested in.
  4. Find some time to watch a good film in English or follow some of the links suggested below and do those fun tasks.

    середа, 7 грудня 2016 р.


    Here is the final portion of materials for the first semester.
    Do this online crossword to check how much you know about food in English.

    These online tasks will help you learn the words for food.
    1. food
    2. fruit
    3. vegetables
    4. meat and fish
    5. drinks
    6. meals and cooking
    7. restaurants
    You can start your work by watching these videos and taking notes.

    You will find more information about British food after watching these videos.

    Learn about the tradition of tea drinking a little bit more.

    What are the differences between British and American English in the names of vegetables?

    Extra videos

    1. Happy food.
    2. Food in Great Britain.



    Additional materials (though highly recommended)

    1. Christmas food part 1
    2. Christmas (2 scenes and language analysis)

    четвер, 17 листопада 2016 р.


    Here are the materials for the new topic. First of all, this is the folder this situations and other
    This is your homework on rooms and furniture.
    Links to vocabulary exercises:

    Watch these nice videos that show what modern British homes are like.

    Watch this video about homes of the future and do the tasks online.

    середа, 5 жовтня 2016 р.

    Practical English (Personality)

    • Here are the materials for your classes: НЕК12, 3.
    • You can also download the list of topics and additional materials to them. The materials will be updated during the month.
    • You can find the recording to the book Jane Eyre here
    • Listen to S. Maugham's stories here.
    • Home work!!! 7.10
    • Listen to the podcast about family relations
    • This is the manual with your self-study works in practical English. 
    • A great video about kindness
    • Watch this video about the most important qualities people need these days.
    • A video about Sherlock Holmes. 
    • Listen to the ways you can speak about resemblances.
    • You can also learn about different body types.
    • Podcasts related to people's age: 1, 2. 
    • Listen about a traditional wedding
    • Watch this short video about weddings in the UK.
    • Just a fun video describing romantic vocabulary. You won't regret watching it.

    Watch this video to find out about Halloween origins and traditions. 

    субота, 24 вересня 2016 р.


    Download these materials and do your self-study by September, 30.
    Here is the list of credit questions

    понеділок, 29 серпня 2016 р.


    На цьому блозі будуть розміщуватись матеріали, які знадобляться в процесі навчання.
    Починаємо з матеріалів для роботи над вимовою.
    Перш за все, це книжки та аудіо до них.
    Також ми з вами будемо користуватися цією методичкою.
    Інші підручники з фонетики ви можете завантажити тут.
    Зверніть увагу на табличку фонетичних символів справа.
    Крім того, пропоную кілька посилань на електронні словники (перший із них використовує актуальні для нас транскрипційні значки!):

    Відео для самостійного відпрацювання звуків ви знайдете                   тут: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/

    Рекомендую вже сьогодні зареєструватися на цей безкоштовний онлайн курс, який допоможе швидше і легше пристосуватися до навчання в університеті та навчить необхідним вам ефективним прийомам роботи.

    Подивіться відео, щоб зрозуміти, що таке ритмічна мова.

    Бажаю успіхів!

    пʼятниця, 27 травня 2016 р.

    Exam preparation

    Here is a link to the story we've been reading. Listen to it and compare. 
    You can read and listen to some more stories on the website. Try not only to read but translate and retell them to someone.
     Good luck!

    A great video that demonstrates how English rhythm works. 

    вівторок, 19 квітня 2016 р.

    City and shopping

    Here you will find all the necessary materials to the topic.
    You can find out more about transport by watching a series of videos and doing the tasks.
    To learn more about shopping, you can use these videos.

    Do you want to win a trip to London? Find out more about the competition from Macmillan Education. 

    “Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler. Depending on the city and on the traveler, there might begin a mutual love, or dislike, friendship, or enmity. Where one city will rise a certain individual to glory, it will destroy another who is not suited to its personality. Only through travel can we know where we belong or not, where we are loved and where we are rejected.” 
                             ― Roman PayneCities & Countries

    Watch this documentary if you want to find out more about The London Underground. 

    This is a compulsory video in four parts about consumerism and its consequences. 

    вівторок, 12 квітня 2016 р.

    Jane Eyre

    I will add here some links and materials for you to look through.
    1. Radio programme on the important ideas discussed in the book and the reasons for its popularity. Don't forget to take notes!
    2. Do a fun quiz to find out if you have anything in common with Jane.
    3. Jane Eyre and feminism.
    4. Full programme about Charlotte Bronte and her book.

    неділя, 3 квітня 2016 р.

    Poems about nature

    Here is the list of poems for learning by heart. Listen to them, choose the one you like and imitate it. Poems and recordings are available if you follow the links.

    A Fall Song
    Summer Shower 
    The Rainy Day
    Summer Sun
    The Wind

    Whether the weather be fine
    Or whether the weather be not,
    Whether the weather be cold
    Or whether the weather be hot,
    We'll weather the weather
    Whatever the weather,
    Whether we like it or not. 

    Anonymous British author

    понеділок, 28 березня 2016 р.

    Weather and weekend

    Here you will find materials for the topics ''Weather" and "Weekend".

    You can also watch this short video about the weather and do the suggested tasks.

    Watch this educational video to refresh your knowledge of the weather words  and their pronunciation.

    Do these interactive activities about the weather: 1, 2.
    Check how much you know about extreme weather by doing this quiz.

    понеділок, 7 березня 2016 р.

    Pronunciation practice

    пʼятниця, 29 січня 2016 р.

    Live and learn

    У зв'язку з оголошенням карантину до 8 лютого прочитайте глави 22, 23, 24 Jane Eyre, а також виконайте такі завдання в кінці розділу: слова, 1, 3, 5,6, 7 та підготуйте імітацію вірша з 24 глави (на першу пару семестру).
    Гарного відпочинку!

    Here are materials for the upcoming topic.

    You can also watch these videos. 

     The next collection deals with problem pupils. 
    Do you share Ken Robinson's ideas? What subjects should be taught at school? Is it possible/ necessary to change modern system of school education? How?

    Watch this TED lesson about bilingualism and do the suggested activities afterwards.

    P.S. At this point it would be a great idea to join one of the free online courses starting around March 7. The ones on logical thinking, blended learning and online learning would do you good. 

    неділя, 17 січня 2016 р.

    Phonetics (for the holidays)

    Watch these two short videos. Think how you would answer these questions. Take notes while watching and be ready to discuss them in the class.
    1. Who are the guests in the programme? What do they do? What is their book about?
    2. What's the difference between a dialect and an accent? What are they characterised by?
    3. How do accents appear? Why are there so many accents in the UK? 
    4. Do the accents change over time? Why? What contributes to this change? Will there still be different English accents in the future?
    5. What is RP? And what are the major accents across the UK? Which do you like best of all?

    Make sure you have these materials for the classes: 1, 2, 3 and the books

    It's a great resource that will help you improve your listening comprehension by completing song lyrics: http://lyricstraining.com/.

    середа, 13 січня 2016 р.

    Tasks for the holidays

    1. You might want to watch a modern British stage version of Jane Eyre on January, 19. There are a few tickets still available. Check the link if you are interested
    2. Read a book. It's Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and listen to the audiobook. You have to write out at least one page of new words from each chapter, be ready to discuss the plot, ideas, and the main characters. Then watch the film and compare the book and the film.
    3. Start watching Michael Geisen's series How to Become a Superstar Student. Don't forget to take notes.

    Have a good holiday!