- Here are the materials for your classes: НЕК, 1, 2, 3.
- You can also download the list of topics and additional materials to them. The materials will be updated during the month.
- You can find the recording to the book Jane Eyre here.
- Listen to S. Maugham's stories here.
- Home work!!! 7.10
- Listen to the podcast about family relations.
- This is the manual with your self-study works in practical English.
- A great video about kindness.
- Watch this video about the most important qualities people need these days.
- A video about Sherlock Holmes.
- Listen to the ways you can speak about resemblances.
- You can also learn about different body types.
- Podcasts related to people's age: 1, 2.
- Listen about a traditional wedding.
- Watch this short video about weddings in the UK.
- Just a fun video describing romantic vocabulary. You won't regret watching it.

Watch this video to find out about Halloween origins and traditions.
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