субота, 4 лютого 2017 р.

Education (phonetics)

This is the post to remind you what materials wll be necessary for your phonetics classes this semester.

Make sure you have these books: 1, 2, 3, 4, ,6, 7. 
Download these copies with stress-and-tone marks of the texts for the topic.
A nice quiet afternoon is a track 038.

Use Longman dictionary online (transcription is available).

Self-study 1 (deadline March 6)

Listen to the story Two Peas in a Pod. 

Use these online resources to work on your pronunciation:

  1. Work on your phonemes on your own with these videos (you can choose the phonemes from the chart).
  2. -ed ending 
  3. Rules and practical activities on -ed ending.
  4. Rules of pronouncing the ending -(e)s.
  5. This great resource will help you improve your listening comprehension by completing song lyrics: http://lyricstraining.com/.
  6. Play phonetic games, test your pronunciation with Cambridge English Online.
  7. Try this site for animated pronunciation with rules and practical tasks.
  8. Remember some principles of word stress placement. 

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