I hope that your summer will be full of new experiences and emotions. But take some time to work on your English! It should be fun, not a drag. Here are some suggestions.
1. Read a book in English (preferably download the audiobook as well and listen to it while reading). Choose some modern books you'd like to read, it will motivate you to keep going. This way you will improve the language and have fun. There are plenty of free downloadable resources on the Internet. A good collection of recordings to some of the classical books can be found at https://librivox.org/. http://englishtips.org/ has a variety of resources.
2. Watch films or popular series in English (you might find subtitles quite useful) or simply watch short videos on YouTube. Try Anglophenia (Anglophenia) or brush up your grammar in a fun and easy way watching these video stories oomongzu.
3. Work on your pronunciation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/ and http://www.cambridge.org/elt/resources/skills/interactive/pron_animations/index.htm offer some great resources.
4. You could also improve your listening comprehension with the help of this nice site which offers you to complete song lyrics: http://lyricstraining.com/.
5. Browse educational websites such as http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/, http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/, https://www.ted.com/. Choose the subjects you're interested in and do the suggested tasks. Catch up with your grammar using their materials and tests.
6. Do a free online course on https://www.futurelearn.com/. You can choose from a variety of spheres of knowledge. You'll practice English anyway.
7. Try to speak English. Use any opportunity that presents: give directions to the foreigners, communicate in English on your holiday abroad, find friends in Skype or facebook.
8. Go to an English language camp! Chech the options you've heard about.
Your future progress depends on you, not your teachers. Take responsibility for your own learning. Stay active and motivated.
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