середа, 6 грудня 2017 р.

Meals and cooking - practice

This is the link to the topic materials.
I will also post lots of short videos on the topic below.
Taken from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/325666616796135084/?autologin=true

Video about pubs with online tasks

Academic Writing


понеділок, 4 грудня 2017 р.

Phonetics - meals

Here are some useful materials for your preparation.
Audio of the dialogue (NEC p. 258 ex.8).
Notes on stress patterns of different conversational formulae.
Credit questions!

Online exercises to practice some aspects of pronunciation:
  1. -ed ending 
  2. -(e)s ending
  3. letter 'g'
  4. letter 'o' and one more test
  5. letter 'a'
  6. 'th'

These online tasks will help you learn the words for food.
  1. food
  2. fruit
  3. vegetables
  4. vegetables 2
  5. meat and fish
  6. drinks
  7. meals and cooking
  8. restaurants
Practice reading transcription and learn the words.
1. fruit

субота, 18 листопада 2017 р.

Phonetics - home

Practice transcribing and spelling the words on different topics online.
  1. house
  2. bathroom
  3. -ed ending 
  4. -(e)s ending
  5. letter 'g'
  6. letter 'o' and one more test
  7. letter 'a'
  8. 'th'
Elementary vocabulary related to the topic (interactive exercises with pictures and pronunciation)
1. home
4. kitchen 1 and 2

Here you can download a self-study in phonetics #2.
Arranging the house (audio)

вівторок, 14 листопада 2017 р.

Home sweet home

This is where you can find most of the materials to the topic.

Watch these videos to learn more about British houses.

Watch this programme do exercises in the attached document.

Homes of the future - a video with online tasks.
The following videos will help you write a good paragraph.

Help with paraphrasing and summarising.

середа, 11 жовтня 2017 р.

неділя, 1 жовтня 2017 р.

Practice. Personality

середа, 30 серпня 2017 р.


На вашу першу пару ви маєте принести з собою зошит у КЛІТИНКУ (24 аркуші і більше), ручку, олівець, лінійку, гумку та ДЗЕРКАЛЬЦЕ!
На цьому блозі будуть розміщуватись матеріали, які знадобляться в процесі навчання. Прошу завантажити їх заздалегідь.
Починаємо з матеріалів для роботи над вимовою.
Перш за все, це книжки та аудіо до них.
Також ми з вами будемо користуватися цією методичкою.
Інші підручники з фонетики ви можете завантажити тут.
Зверніть увагу на табличку фонетичних символів справа.
Крім того, пропоную кілька посилань на гарні електронні словники, якими я закликаю активно користуватися:

Відео для самостійного відпрацювання звуків ви знайдете тут: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/.

Самостійна робота 1 (до 25.09).
Listening to Unit 13.
Самостійна робота 2 (до 2.10)
Запитання до заліку із ICC.
Копія на дифтонг /ʊə/.
/aʊ/ You will find thousands of flowers in the Swiss mountains.
/ɪə/ Vera, dear, wipe your tears, come over here and forget your fears.

Наполегливо раджу приєднатися до безкоштовного онлайн курсу англійською мовою про підготовку до університету за посиланням !

До зустрічі!

середа, 14 червня 2017 р.

Summer holidays

Congratulations on passing your English exam! No matter what your mark is remember that marks are subjective and relative. It is much more important to be honest about your own achievements and use all the opportunities to your advantage.
I hope that your summer will be full of new experiences and emotions. But take some time to work on your English! It should be fun, not a drag. Here are some suggestions.
1. Read a book in English (preferably download the audiobook as well and listen to it while reading). Choose some modern books you'd like to read, it will motivate you to keep going. This way you will improve the language and have fun. There are plenty of free downloadable resources on the Internet. A good collection of  recordings to some of the classical books can be found at https://librivox.org/http://englishtips.org/ has a variety of resources.
2.  Watch films or popular series in English (you might find subtitles quite useful) or simply watch short videos on YouTube. Try Anglophenia (Anglophenia) or brush up your grammar in a fun and easy way watching these video stories oomongzu.
3. Work on your pronunciationhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/ and http://www.cambridge.org/elt/resources/skills/interactive/pron_animations/index.htm offer some great resources.
4. You could also improve your listening comprehension with the help of this nice site which offers you to complete song lyrics: http://lyricstraining.com/.
5. Browse educational websites such as http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/, https://www.ted.com/. Choose the subjects you're interested in and do the suggested tasks. Catch up with your grammar using their materials and tests.
6. Do a free online course on https://www.futurelearn.com/. You can choose from a variety of spheres of knowledge. You'll practice English anyway.
7. Try to speak English. Use any opportunity that presents: give directions to the foreigners, communicate in English on your holiday abroad, find friends in Skype or facebook.
8. Go to an English language camp! Chech the options you've heard about.

Your future progress depends on you, not your teachers. Take responsibility for your own learning. Stay active and motivated.

вівторок, 30 травня 2017 р.

середа, 19 квітня 2017 р.

City and Shopping


This folder contains materials to discuss transport and other aspects of city life.
Learn the words to talk about flying with this online exercise.
The daily grind (Do sessions 1-4).
Writing an article. 

List of topics for articles (to be included into the self-study)

  • A travel magazine has asked you to write an article about the best place to go on holiday in Ukraine. Write your article containing between 150 and 180 words telling how to get to the place and what you can see and do there.
  • You are a reporter of a weekly magazine. You were asked to write an article about the most unusual means of transport you’ve seen or travelled by. Write your article containing between 150 and 180 words.
  • A young people’s magazine has asked its readers to write articles describing what sights and facilities would be most attractive to teenagers visiting their home town. Write your article containing between 150 and 180 words about your home town.
  • An international magazine has invited its readers to send in their articles about the future of transport in fifty years’ time. Write your article containing between 150 and 180 words with your predictions and ideas.


In this folder you will find materials to this subtopic.
Shopping is great (part 1).
Online shopping (video)

You'll need to watch this documentary consisting of four parts discussing consumerism and its consequences.

неділя, 19 березня 2017 р.

Weather and weekend (phonetics)

Complete this self-study by April, 27.

Dialogue to practice reading according to the stress-and-tone marks.
1. Watch this video to learn about the phoneme /ə/.

2. Linking in English.

3. Find out when intrusive /r/ is used.

4. What allophones does /l/ have? Find out.

5. When is /h/ not phonounced?

Listen to these interesting short stories and practice your reading skills.

Watch this funny video and learn to pronounce -ough.

Don't forget about the rhythm.

Listen to these poems, choose one and learn it by heart imitating the speaker's intonation.
Summer Sun by R.L.Stevenson or here and the poem.
The Wind by R.L.Stevenson or another link to mp3 and the text.
Daffodils  by  W.Wordsworth.

The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version. (NEC p. 124)
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow. (NEC p. 124)

The competition in phonetics will take place on March, 27 at 13.30 p.m. in room 254. Don't miss it!

вівторок, 14 березня 2017 р.

Weather / Free Time


Here is a new portion of materials on weather for you.
You will find materials on free time activities in this folder.

This is a video about the weather with the tasks and some additional online tasks on the topic.

Session 1 

Study a dictionary entry on the word weather.

You can learn more about natural disasters from this animated guide. Try it!

You can start learning the words on the weather by watching the video below.

Listen to the poems about the weather and try to imitate them.
The Rainy Day by H.W. Longfellow or this version.
The Months by S. Coleridge.
Rain in Summer by H.W.Longfellow.
Snowflakes by H.W. Longfellow.

Watch these four videos about indoor sports and the weather and do tasks online to check your understanding.
You cann also check how much you know about natural disasters by doing this quiz from National Geographic.
This pragramme will tell you about tourism in Antarctica.

Crossword on the weather.

Free time

You will find materials on free time activities in this folder.
You can read the text about music in the UK online
Watch this video to find out about classical books and writers in Great Britain (Literature is Great P1). Literature is Great P2 is about contemporary British writers.
Creativity is Great Part 1.
Look up (video) and the poem.

Crossword on culture.

For the film review you can choose between two films:
August Rush (2007)
Renaissance Man (1994)

Sport is Great (2 parts)
Extreme Sports.

Writing tips and exercises

субота, 4 лютого 2017 р.

Education (phonetics)

This is the post to remind you what materials wll be necessary for your phonetics classes this semester.

Make sure you have these books: 1, 2, 3, 4, ,6, 7. 
Download these copies with stress-and-tone marks of the texts for the topic.
A nice quiet afternoon is a track 038.

Use Longman dictionary online (transcription is available).

Self-study 1 (deadline March 6)

Listen to the story Two Peas in a Pod. 

Use these online resources to work on your pronunciation:

  1. Work on your phonemes on your own with these videos (you can choose the phonemes from the chart).
  2. -ed ending 
  3. Rules and practical activities on -ed ending.
  4. Rules of pronouncing the ending -(e)s.
  5. This great resource will help you improve your listening comprehension by completing song lyrics: http://lyricstraining.com/.
  6. Play phonetic games, test your pronunciation with Cambridge English Online.
  7. Try this site for animated pronunciation with rules and practical tasks.
  8. Remember some principles of word stress placement. 

пʼятниця, 27 січня 2017 р.

Live and Learn

This is a new block of materials for the first topic.
First of all, there's a quick reminder that you can download all the necessary books for the course here: НЕК123, 4.
All the documents you need for the topic Live and Learn can be found in this folder (including the list of situations).

Don't forget that the 1st class of the second semester will be dedicated to your holiday reading book Thanks for the Memories. So bring your vocabularies, books and notes. 

Use Longman dictionary online (transcription is available).

Study this dictionary entry: http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/exam

The manual for self-study. 

Below are some of the videos we're going to watch and discuss.

You might also find the tasks to the video useful.

The next collection deals with problem pupils. 
This is the video about Oxford University with online tasks to it.
This touching video shows a story of one man learning English. 

Watch this TED-lesson to learn about bilingualism.